ASCII Table – Hex to ASCII Value Character Code Chart (2024)

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ASCII Table – Hex to ASCII Value Character Code Chart (1)
Kristofer Koishigawa
ASCII Table – Hex to ASCII Value Character Code Chart (2)

As a developer, you'll eventually need to look up hex or ASCII values and see what they translate to. You might also need to know what the decimal, binary, or HTML values are, too.

If you search for these codes online, you'll often find tables that are really just images. These are inaccessible to people with disabilities, and inconvenient to use – you can't search for something and copy-paste code you want.

To make your life easier, I created a table from the best sources I could find. Just scroll or use Ctrl/Cmd + f to find the value you're looking for.

Here's the traditional ASCII table:

DecimalHexBinaryHTML NumberHTML NameCharacterDescription
10100000001SOHStart of Header
20200000010STXStart of Text
30300000011ETXEnd of Text
40400000100EOTEnd of Transmission
90900001001	HTHorizontal Tab
LFNewline / Line Feed
110B00001011VTVertical Tab
120C00001100FFForm Feed
CRCarriage Return
140E00001110SOShift Out
150F00001111SIShift In
161000010000DLEData Link Escape
171100010001DC1Device Control 1
181200010010DC2Device Control 2
191300010011DC3Device Control 3
201400010100DC4Device Control 4
211500010101NAKNegative Acknowledge
231700010111ETBEnd of Transmission Block
251900011001EMEnd of Medium
281C00011100FSFile Separator
291D00011101GSGroup Separator
301E00011110RSRecord Separator
311F00011111USUnit Separator
322000100000 SPSpace
332100100001!!Exclamation mark
342200100010"""Double quote
392700100111''Single quote
402800101000((Left parenthesis
412900101001))Right parenthesis
603C00111100&#60;&lt;<Less than
613D00111101&#61;=Equal sign
623E00111110&#62;&gt;>Greater than
633F00111111&#63;?Question mark
644001000000&#64;@At sign
654101000001&#65;AUppercase A
664201000010&#66;BUppercase B
674301000011&#67;CUppercase C
684401000100&#68;DUppercase D
694501000101&#69;EUppercase E
704601000110&#70;FUppercase F
714701000111&#71;GUppercase G
724801001000&#72;HUppercase H
734901001001&#73;IUppercase I
744A01001010&#74;JUppercase J
754B01001011&#75;KUppercase K
764C01001100&#76;LUppercase L
774D01001101&#77;MUppercase M
784E01001110&#78;NUppercase N
794F01001111&#79;OUppercase O
805001010000&#80;PUppercase P
815101010001&#81;QUppercase Q
825201010010&#82;RUppercase R
835301010011&#83;SUppercase S
845401010100&#84;TUppercase T
855501010101&#85;UUppercase U
865601010110&#86;VUppercase V
875701010111&#87;WUppercase W
885801011000&#88;XUppercase X
895901011001&#89;YUppercase Y
905A01011010&#90;ZUppercase Z
915B01011011&#91;[Left square bracket
935D01011101&#93;]Right square bracket
945E01011110&#94;^Caret / circumflex
966001100000&#96;`Grave / accent
976101100001&#97;aLowercase a
986201100010&#98;bLowercase b
996301100011&#99;cLowercase c
1006401100100&#100;dLowercase d
1016501100101&#101;eLowercase e
1036701100111&#103;gLowercase g
1046801101000&#104;hLowercase h
1056901101001&#105;iLowercase i
1066A01101010&#106;jLowercase j
1076B01101011&#107;kLowercase k
1086C01101100&#108;lLowercase l
1096D01101101&#109;mLowercase m
1106E01101110&#110;nLowercase n
1116F01101111&#111;oLowercase o
1127001110000&#112;pLowercase p
1137101110001&#113;qLowercase q
1147201110010&#114;rLowercase r
1157301110011&#115;sLowercase s
1167401110100&#116;tLowercase t
1177501110101&#117;uLowercase u
1187601110110&#118;vLowercase v
1197701110111&#119;wLowercase w
1207801111000&#120;xLowercase x
1217901111001&#121;yLowercase y
1227A01111010&#122;zLowercase z
1237B01111011&#123;{Left curly bracket
1247C01111100&#124;\Vertical bar
1257D01111101&#125;}Right curly bracket

And here's the extended ASCII table for the web:

DecimalHexBinaryHTML NumberHTML NameCharacterDescription
1288010000000&#128;&euro;Euro sign
1308210000010&#130;&sbquo;Single low-9 quotation mark
1318310000011&#131;&fnof;ƒLatin small letter f with hook
1328410000100&#132;&bdquo;Double low-9 quotation mark
1338510000101&#133;&hellip;Horizontal ellipsis
1358710000111&#135;&Dagger;Double dagger
1368810001000&#136;&circ;ˆModifier letter circumflex accent
1378910001001&#137;&permil;Per mille sign
1388A10001010&#138;&Scaron;ŠLatin capital letter S with caron
1398B10001011&#139;&lsaquo;Single left-pointing angle quotation
1408C10001100&#140;&OElig;ŒLatin capital ligature OE
1428E10001110&#142;ŽLatin capital letter Z with caron
1459110010001&#145;&lsquo;Left single quotation mark
1469210010010&#146;&rsquo;Right single quotation mark
1479310010011&#147;&ldquo;Left double quotation mark
1489410010100&#148;&rdquo;Right double quotation mark
1509610010110&#150;&ndash;En dash
1519710010111&#151;&mdash;Em dash
1529810011000&#152;&tilde;˜Small tilde
1539910011001&#153;&trade;Trademark sign
1549A10011010&#154;&scaron;šLatin small letter S with caron
1559B10011011&#155;&rsaquo;Single right-pointing angle quotation mark
1569C10011100&#156;&oelig;œLatin small ligature oe
1589E10011110&#158;žLatin small letter z with caron
1599F10011111&#159;&Yuml;ŸLatin capital letter Y with diaeresis
160A010100000&#160;&nbsp;NBSPNon-breaking space
161A110100001&#161;&iexcl;¡Inverted exclamation mark
162A210100010&#162;&cent;¢Cent sign
163A310100011&#163;&pound;£Pound sign
164A410100100&#164;&curren;¤Currency sign
165A510100101&#165;&yen;¥Yen sign
166A610100110&#166;&brvbar;¦Pipe, broken vertical bar
167A710100111&#167;&sect;§Section sign
168A810101000&#168;&uml;¨Spacing diaeresis - umlaut
169A910101001&#169;&copy;©Copyright sign
170AA10101010&#170;&ordf;ªFeminine ordinal indicator
171AB10101011&#171;&laquo;«Left double angle quotes
172AC10101100&#172;&not;¬Not sign
173AD10101101&#173;&shy;­Soft hyphen
174AE10101110&#174;&reg;®Registered trade mark sign
175AF10101111&#175;&macr;¯Spacing macron - overline
176B010110000&#176;&deg;°Degree sign
177B110110001&#177;&plusmn;±Plus-or-minus sign
178B210110010&#178;&sup2;²Superscript two - squared
179B310110011&#179;&sup3;³Superscript three - cubed
180B410110100&#180;&acute;´Acute accent - spacing acute
181B510110101&#181;&micro;µMicro sign
182B610110110&#182;&para;Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign
183B710110111&#183;&middot;·Middle dot - Georgian comma
184B810111000&#184;&cedil;¸Spacing cedilla
185B910111001&#185;&sup1;¹Superscript one
186BA10111010&#186;&ordm;ºMasculine ordinal indicator
187BB10111011&#187;&raquo;»Right double angle quotes
188BC10111100&#188;&frac14;¼Fraction one quarter
189BD10111101&#189;&frac12;½Fraction one half
190BE10111110&#190;&frac34;¾Fraction three quarters
191BF10111111&#191;&iquest;¿Inverted question mark
192C011000000&#192;&Agrave;ÀLatin capital letter A with grave
193C111000001&#193;&Aacute;ÁLatin capital letter A with acute
194C211000010&#194;&Acirc;ÂLatin capital letter A with circumflex
195C311000011&#195;&Atilde;ÃLatin capital letter A with tilde
196C411000100&#196;&Auml;ÄLatin capital letter A with diaeresis
197C511000101&#197;&Aring;ÅLatin capital letter A with ring above
198C611000110&#198;&AElig;ÆLatin capital letter AE
199C711000111&#199;&Ccedil;ÇLatin capital letter C with cedilla
200C811001000&#200;&Egrave;ÈLatin capital letter E with grave
201C911001001&#201;&Eacute;ÉLatin capital letter E with acute
202CA11001010&#202;&Ecirc;ÊLatin capital letter E with circumflex
203CB11001011&#203;&Euml;ËLatin capital letter E with diaeresis
204CC11001100&#204;&Igrave;ÌLatin capital letter I with grave
205CD11001101&#205;&Iacute;ÍLatin capital letter I with acute
206CE11001110&#206;&Icirc;ÎLatin capital letter I with circumflex
207CF11001111&#207;&Iuml;ÏLatin capital letter I with diaeresis
208D011010000&#208;&ETH;ÐLatin capital letter ETH
209D111010001&#209;&Ntilde;ÑLatin capital letter N with tilde
210D211010010&#210;&Ograve;ÒLatin capital letter O with grave
211D311010011&#211;&Oacute;ÓLatin capital letter O with acute
212D411010100&#212;&Ocirc;ÔLatin capital letter O with circumflex
213D511010101&#213;&Otilde;ÕLatin capital letter O with tilde
214D611010110&#214;&Ouml;ÖLatin capital letter O with diaeresis
215D711010111&#215;&times;×Multiplication sign
216D811011000&#216;&Oslash;ØLatin capital letter O with slash
217D911011001&#217;&Ugrave;ÙLatin capital letter U with grave
218DA11011010&#218;&Uacute;ÚLatin capital letter U with acute
219DB11011011&#219;&Ucirc;ÛLatin capital letter U with circumflex
220DC11011100&#220;&Uuml;ÜLatin capital letter U with diaeresis
221DD11011101&#221;&Yacute;ÝLatin capital letter Y with acute
222DE11011110&#222;&THORN;ÞLatin capital letter THORN
223DF11011111&#223;&szlig;ßLatin small letter sharp s - ess-zed
224E011100000&#224;&agrave;àLatin small letter a with grave
225E111100001&#225;&aacute;áLatin small letter a with acute
226E211100010&#226;&acirc;âLatin small letter a with circumflex
227E311100011&#227;&atilde;ãLatin small letter a with tilde
228E411100100&#228;&auml;äLatin small letter a with diaeresis
229E511100101&#229;&aring;åLatin small letter a with ring above
230E611100110&#230;&aelig;æLatin small letter ae
231E711100111&#231;&ccedil;çLatin small letter c with cedilla
232E811101000&#232;&egrave;èLatin small letter e with grave
233E911101001&#233;&eacute;éLatin small letter e with acute
234EA11101010&#234;&ecirc;êLatin small letter e with circumflex
235EB11101011&#235;&euml;ëLatin small letter e with diaeresis
236EC11101100&#236;&igrave;ìLatin small letter i with grave
237ED11101101&#237;&iacute;íLatin small letter i with acute
238EE11101110&#238;&icirc;îLatin small letter i with circumflex
239EF11101111&#239;&iuml;ïLatin small letter i with diaeresis
240F011110000&#240;&eth;ðLatin small letter eth
241F111110001&#241;&ntilde;ñLatin small letter n with tilde
242F211110010&#242;&ograve;òLatin small letter o with grave
243F311110011&#243;&oacute;óLatin small letter o with acute
244F411110100&#244;&ocirc;ôLatin small letter o with circumflex
245F511110101&#245;&otilde;õLatin small letter o with tilde
246F611110110&#246;&ouml;öLatin small letter o with diaeresis
247F711110111&#247;&divide;÷Division sign
248F811111000&#248;&oslash;øLatin small letter o with slash
249F911111001&#249;&ugrave;ùLatin small letter u with grave
250FA11111010&#250;&uacute;úLatin small letter u with acute
251FB11111011&#251;&ucirc;ûLatin small letter u with circumflex
252FC11111100&#252;&uuml;üLatin small letter u with diaeresis
253FD11111101&#253;&yacute;ýLatin small letter y with acute
254FE11111110&#254;&thorn;þLatin small letter thorn
255FF11111111&#255;&yuml;ÿLatin small letter y with diaeresis

Sources for both tables: ASCII, Windows-1252, and ASCII Code - The extended ASCII table

Note that there are several other extended ASCII tables like ISO 8859, ISO 8859-1, ISO 8859-2, and so on. The extended table above is based on Windows-1252 ASCII table, and is what web browsers used before UTF-8 was created.

Even though we've largely moved past ASCII and its limitations to modern character encodings like UTF-8, all of the HTML values in the tables above will still work on current browsers.

If you'd like to learn more about character encoding, ASCII, and unicode characters, check out this article.

How to Use ASCII Characters in HTML

ASCII characters can be useful for web developers, like if you need to manually insert whitespace or a special character into your HTML.

If you look at the tables above, you'll see that every ASCII character has an HTML entity number, and some also have an HTML entity name.

Each HTML entity number and name starts with an ampersand (&) and ends with a semicolon (;).

You can use these anywhere in your HTML to reliably render that character, no matter what the a person's browser language is set to.

In general, it's recommended to use the HTML entity name whenever possible – they're easier to remember, and are self-descriptive for any other developers that read your code.

For example, if you need to render the Euro currency sign (€), the HTML entity name &euro; is much easier to remember than &#128;.

Here are some of the more common ASCII characters you'll use in HTML, along with some examples.

How to Use the &nbsp; Non-Breaking Space Character Code

There are times when you'll want to add a space, but want to keep other words or characters together, even if there's a limited amount of horizontal space.

An easy way to do this would be to use a non-breaking space character, for example:


Which renders the following:


Sure, it looks like there's a normal space between the colon and the "l" in "listening", but the &nbsp; character makes it so that the line will never break there.

For example, here's that code with an outline around the span element, and with a width of 150 pixels:


With a normal space character, the line would break like this:

Superpower: listening

You can even insert several non-breaking spaces in a row to create make-shift text padding:


How to Make a Newline in HMTL using the &#13; Newline Character Code

While you can use JavaScript to render \n as a newline in HTML, that's not always an option. You might only have access to the HTML code, or just want to keep things simple.

In that case, you can use the newline / line feed character code to force a newline:

<div style="margin-bottom: 1.5em;"> <label for="example-1">Example 1: </label> <textarea name="example-1" id="example-1">Hello&#10;freeCodeCamp</textarea></div>

Which renders the following:

Example 1:

And yes, you can use these back-to-back, too:

<div style="margin-bottom: 1.5em;"> <label for="example-2">Example 2: </label> <textarea name="example-2" id="example-2" style="height: 150px;">Hello&#10;&#10;&#10;freeCodeCamp</textarea></div>

Example 2:

However, note that the &#10; character doesn't override the default styling of the element it's used in. For example, the p element doesn't allow line breaks within the element – you'd have to create another paragraph element:

<p style="outline: red 1px solid;">This is paragraph text and &#010; whoops there is a new line.</p>

The code above renders everything to a single line:

This is paragraph text and whoops there is a new line.

To override this behavior, just set the white-space property to pre-wrap:

<p style="outline: red 1px solid; white-space: pre-wrap;">This is paragraph text and &#010; whoops there is a new line.</p>

This is paragraph text and whoops there is a new line.

Thanks for Reading

If you found this helpful, please share it with your friends so more people can get started using ASCII characters.

Also, if you liked this article, let me know over on Twitter.

ASCII Table – Hex to ASCII Value Character Code Chart (3)
Kristofer Koishigawa

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ASCII Table – Hex to ASCII Value Character Code Chart (2024)
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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.